BMECH_REPTRIAL(fld,chrp) finds a representative trial per subject/condition based closest in the root mean squared difference sense, to the mean trial data ARGUMENTS fld ... folder to operate on chrp ... channels to use for choosing rep trial. Default 'all' method ... method to use for reptrial. Default = 'RMSE'. If 'mean', data in the rep trial is the average data for all trials of the given group NOTES FOR RMSE - Algorithm chooses trial with overall root mean squared error closest to the mean - If only 2 trials are present, the first trial in the list will be chosen - If only 1 trial is present, algorithm is not run and single trial is retained - An additional prefix 'mean_' and 'sd_' are added to existing events. These branches are equivalent to taking the average of all the trials for a given condition/subject. Other events in the event branch of the reprial are 'representative events' that are unchanged and belong to the representative trial